I love what I do! I have taken on some very interesting challenges since I started many years ago.
Because I specialize in downsizers it's not often that the task is simple.
When you have lived in your home for decades it's very daunting to start to consider a big change.
Where do you start? The answer is....... by calling me.
I offer a one call does it all approach to downsizing. And it all begins with a good long chat about what it is you would like to achieve.
There are lots of pieces to the puzzel and I can walk you through all of it.
Call me 604-803-4280
I can help with all the choices available.
I can help you get top dollar for your home. My marketing plan is aggressive and so are my negotiating skills.
Much has changed in the last 20+ years. Contracts are very different and all the paperwork required seems to have multiplied.
I will walk you through all of it and help you feel comfortable with the process.
I am with you every step of the way.
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